☺ Hola!✦ it's Ricardo here! I'm a hands-on multidisciplinary ✐ designer, ☞ specializing in crafting digital products and memorable brand experiences ✺

Sunrun One

Sunrun One 

Consumer digital product for the country’s number-one solar company

Consumer digital product for the country’s number-one solar company

Chopt Creative Salad Co.

Reimagining mobile ordering for a high-growth QSR brand



Launching a stellar brand into a new product category

Launching a stellar brand into a new product category

Ad Age A-List Awards

Ad Age A-List Awards

Custom award submissions for Y Media Labs

Custom award submissions for Y Media Labs

Hammerhead.io — Karoo 2

Hammerhead.io — Karoo 2

Building the World's Best Cycling Computer eCommerce

Building the World's Best Cycling Computer eCommerce



Elevating the brand new eCommerce experience

Elevating the brand-new eCommerce experience



Stealth project

Stealth project



If you're sitting on a fantastic idea or have a side gig in need of collaboration, I'm all ears and excited to hear from you! Don't hesitate to reach out!

If you're sitting on a fantastic idea or have a side gig in need of collaboration, don't hesitate to reach out!

Thanks for scrolling!

© 2025 Ricardo Portocarrero™

© 2023 Ricardo Portocarrero

Visual Designer — Product and interface design

Visual Designer —
Product and interface design

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